In the interests of disclosure and ethics, we want to be open about how we make money from our site. Besides display advertising and other paid sponsorships, we also sometimes get paid a commission if you purchase a product or service that we link to in our content. We will only ever link to products and services that we think our visitors may be interested in and appreciate learning more about.
Amazon Affiliate Disclosure
We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
When clicking on any of Amazon link located on the cost of the product, or any other item you purchase is not increased.
Simply put, we’re earning a small commission paid directly from Amazon, which helps us to cover the cost of hosting of the server and motivates us into writing a better content, for you. Thank you for your consideration and support!
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Purchases made through these third party sites are subject to the policies and procedures of those sites. Order fulfillment and customer service relating to orders placed at any of those third party sites, including the collection of applicable sales taxes, are the sole responsibility of such sites. Any concerns regarding order fulfillment, customer service, privacy policies or other issues relating to these third party online retail sites should be directed to those sites.
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